maandag 5 april 2010

Mind-Reading Computers

In my previous blog you could read about computers controlling the brain of a mouse. This blog will bring this to the next level. Mind Reading computers may be the future, the very close future...

In Japan scientists are experimenting with computers that respond to a human's mind. in the beginning there was just a white screen with a little dot in the middle that could be replaced by a person's thoughts. The experiment looks like some ingenious test of mental telepathy. The subject must be in deep concentration so that the computer can read his brain waves. The subject does not move or control the computer in any other way than with his mind. The little dot moves around, say to the right when the subject thinks about the dot going right. This is not very advanced yet, but the latest developments allow people to play easy games like pong. Controlling a computer with your mind is not always easy. Say you are hungry and your tummy growls. You will think: "I am hungry", but then, oops, that is not a controllable experiment!

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