maandag 19 april 2010

BlackBerry vs. Apple vs. BlackBerry

Have you seen BlackBerry's commercial versus Apple? It displays the competition between BlackBerry and Apple.

BlackBerry came up with a commercial in which a blackberry shoots an apple. With this ad BlackBerry is making a statement that their new touchscreen phone beats Apple's iPhone. Apple did respond to this commercial with almost the same commercial. The slight difference is that now the blackberry explodes when hitting the apple. What do you think about Apple's reaction?

You can watch both the commercials below:

BlackBerry's commercial

Apple's response

The competition between Apple and BlackBerry can be clarified by the fact that they offer consumers the same sort of products. Apple is well known for its iPhone, a smartphone with a touchscreen. BlackBerry introduced its new smartphone with also a touchscreen. This urged the rivalry between Apple and BlackBerry. BlackBerry claims its touchscreen to be more advanced than the iPhone's touchscreen. I have my doubts, because for now I haven't seen a better touchscreen than Apple's.

What touchscreen do you think is more advanced? Are you pro BlackBerry or do you like the iPhone better?

1 opmerking:

Who beats who?