woensdag 21 april 2010

Augmented Reality - Layar

Are you already using the Layar app? This is the first application using augmented reality. In this post I will explain what augmented reality means using the example Layar.

The first question: what does augmented reality means? In Dutch it means "toegevoegde realiteit". Augmented reality connects the real world with the virtual world. This way, the boundaries between reality and computers fade away, you will not be able anymore to distinguish the difference between reality and virtuality.
Now what does the Layar app do? It shows the reality (what you actually see) on the display of your mobile and then adds stuff like 'houses for sale' and 'the city map'. With 'houses for sale' you can find houses in your neighborhood that are for sale. It also displays how much the houses cost and how you can navigate to them. With 'the city map' your camera shows you what you are seeing and the Layar shows where you are on the map and where you are looking at. So you won't have to turn around your map anymore (women). Other Layars are: finding bars and clubs, finding jobs, finding ATMs etc.
The Layar app also has a 3D version. This 3D Layar app contains domes (koepels). When you enter a dome you enter a whole different world, like a Japanese street when you are actually in Amsterdam. It looks very real, but it is virtual.

(In Dutch) You can watch a movie clip about the Layar app.

Demonstratie Layar Augmented Reality 3D op Picnic 2009 from MarketingFacts on Vimeo.

Would you use the Layar app?

maandag 19 april 2010

BlackBerry vs. Apple vs. BlackBerry

Have you seen BlackBerry's commercial versus Apple? It displays the competition between BlackBerry and Apple.

BlackBerry came up with a commercial in which a blackberry shoots an apple. With this ad BlackBerry is making a statement that their new touchscreen phone beats Apple's iPhone. Apple did respond to this commercial with almost the same commercial. The slight difference is that now the blackberry explodes when hitting the apple. What do you think about Apple's reaction?

You can watch both the commercials below:

BlackBerry's commercial

Apple's response

The competition between Apple and BlackBerry can be clarified by the fact that they offer consumers the same sort of products. Apple is well known for its iPhone, a smartphone with a touchscreen. BlackBerry introduced its new smartphone with also a touchscreen. This urged the rivalry between Apple and BlackBerry. BlackBerry claims its touchscreen to be more advanced than the iPhone's touchscreen. I have my doubts, because for now I haven't seen a better touchscreen than Apple's.

What touchscreen do you think is more advanced? Are you pro BlackBerry or do you like the iPhone better?

dinsdag 6 april 2010


Did you hear about the promotion for Albert Heijn on iPhone around easter?
They have made up a marketing program around their application on the Apple iPhone, called Grappie van Appie. It is a simple feature in their "Appie" app, which displays a funny animation when the users types in one of the selected products. When you find one of the selected products you will receive a special holder for your iPhone. There are only five products in Appie that show an animation, so it might be challenging to find one. To make it a little easier, Appie provides help on Twitter. Follow grappievanappie and receive special hints. With this help it is not that hard at all to find one of the products. When you find all five products you get a hint for the sixth Grappie. Sixth? Yes, in one Albert Heijn in the Netherlands a golden holder for an iPhone is hidden. When one finds this golden Grappie, he or she receives a brand new iPad! Many Apple lovers were waiting in front of this Albert Heijn in Amsterdam this morning to look for the golden Grappie. The winner has been mentioned and he received the iPad. You can still join in the search for the five Grappies in Appie. Just download the Appie app on your iPhone, type in a product and look at the product's details. If an animation pops up you found a Grappie and you can report this at the AH website. Alright then, one hint: put some fruit in your milk.

maandag 5 april 2010

Mind-Reading Computers

In my previous blog you could read about computers controlling the brain of a mouse. This blog will bring this to the next level. Mind Reading computers may be the future, the very close future...

In Japan scientists are experimenting with computers that respond to a human's mind. in the beginning there was just a white screen with a little dot in the middle that could be replaced by a person's thoughts. The experiment looks like some ingenious test of mental telepathy. The subject must be in deep concentration so that the computer can read his brain waves. The subject does not move or control the computer in any other way than with his mind. The little dot moves around, say to the right when the subject thinks about the dot going right. This is not very advanced yet, but the latest developments allow people to play easy games like pong. Controlling a computer with your mind is not always easy. Say you are hungry and your tummy growls. You will think: "I am hungry", but then, oops, that is not a controllable experiment!

Who beats who?