woensdag 5 mei 2010

Web 2.0

Do you know what web 2.0 means? It is not a new version of the Internet.. Web 2.0 does not only provide you information, it is an interactive network platform. It wants users to interact, react and add value. Do you already use web 2.0? If not: you definitely need an upgrade!

Web 2.0 is also called the social web. It is an overall term for diverse internet websites which accent the interaction between users. Think about websites such as Hyves, Facebook, Wikipedia, LinkedIn etcetera. They allow you to react and give feedback, maintain relationships and collaborate. It is web 1.0 that simply presents you information, web 2.0 actually interacts with you.
Web 2.0 is a mass collaboration between people. It allows crowdsourcing, which means outsourcing to the world. Most of the ideas and knowledge can not be found within your own organization. Therefore open innovation can come in handy. An example of a website that is providing crowdsourcing as a strategy is Innocentive.com.
Web 2.0 is more social than web 1.0. It is crucial in web 2.0 to involve people in a subject, problem or product. It is not so much about an internet of documents anymore, as about an internet of people. In web 2.0 users add value, because of user generated content.
Are you interested in reading more about web 2.0? Take a look at: boek.ambtenaar20.nl (in Dutch).

1 opmerking:

  1. Very interesting Blog. Web 2.0 is a widely accepted and used application-layer with sites as youtube and wikipedia.
    But you should keep in mind that many posts are based on a personal point of view and are often subjective.


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