maandag 17 mei 2010

Police investigation to the lost iPhone 4G

Apple insists on a police investigation to the cause of the lost prototype of the Apple iPhone 4G. In court documents a detailed summary of a meeting between Apple and its lawyers on hand and the police on the other hand can be read. A judge in the U.S. city of San Mateo released the documents under pressure from the media.

A lawyer representing Apple, explains what the damage of the lost prototype is to Apple: "The publication of details about the device and its functions affects the sale of the current generation iPhones. People who would buy a phone, are now waiting for the next generation. This negatively impacts Apple's sales and profits. "

Another passage in the court document describes a wild search of the police to the evidence.The person who originally found the iPhone in a cafe, still had evidence at home. When he found out that there was a judicial inquiry, he has his computer, the prototype of stickers, flash memory and a USB stick hidden.

The police is looking for all the evidence at a service station, a church and in bushes. The frantic search was launched after iPhone finder Brian Hogan was betrayed by his roommate Katherine Martison. She called the police to say that Hogan was moving the evidence. Martison has trusted more details to the police. She said that Hogan shown her a box with $ 5,000 and that he had told her that he had received $ 8,500 for the iPhone. Hogan told her that at the launch of the iPhone he will receive a bonus.

What would you do after you found the prototype of the next iPhone? Would you sell it to media like Hogan, or would you tell the police? Hogan sure got some money for it, but I believe he has gained more problems than benefit by finding the iPhone 4G prototype.

woensdag 5 mei 2010

Web 2.0

Do you know what web 2.0 means? It is not a new version of the Internet.. Web 2.0 does not only provide you information, it is an interactive network platform. It wants users to interact, react and add value. Do you already use web 2.0? If not: you definitely need an upgrade!

Web 2.0 is also called the social web. It is an overall term for diverse internet websites which accent the interaction between users. Think about websites such as Hyves, Facebook, Wikipedia, LinkedIn etcetera. They allow you to react and give feedback, maintain relationships and collaborate. It is web 1.0 that simply presents you information, web 2.0 actually interacts with you.
Web 2.0 is a mass collaboration between people. It allows crowdsourcing, which means outsourcing to the world. Most of the ideas and knowledge can not be found within your own organization. Therefore open innovation can come in handy. An example of a website that is providing crowdsourcing as a strategy is
Web 2.0 is more social than web 1.0. It is crucial in web 2.0 to involve people in a subject, problem or product. It is not so much about an internet of documents anymore, as about an internet of people. In web 2.0 users add value, because of user generated content.
Are you interested in reading more about web 2.0? Take a look at: (in Dutch).

Who beats who?