woensdag 10 maart 2010

Mind-Controlling Computers

For ages human beings have had a great interest for the human brain. Frightening stories about brain operations to people without narcosis have been going in the round. Clairvoyants are trying to look into peoples minds and in fairly tales the mind is controlled by evil monsters. If you thought that this is all fantasy, you might be a little shocked about this blog..

The latest developments in science is not only reading a mind, but also controlling a mind.. Scientists can control the movements of a rat. This is an unique interface between animal and machine. The scientists are guiding the rat wirelessly by sending signals from a laptop computer to his brain. By stimulating the right brain area, the rat turns right. By stimulating the left brain area, the rat turns left. The rat does have a choice, but when it does its asked, the rat is rewarded by stimulating his pleasure centre. Scholars believe that this development is an huge development in understanding the brain. I think that those developments are frightening because, as you will be able to read in my next blog, these new findings are also implemented on human beings! I would not be pleased if somebody was controlling my mind...

donderdag 4 maart 2010

Microsoft Surface

The way that we communicate with computers is changing. The way that computers communicate with us is also changing. We do not only interact with computers by typing in information anymore. The newest developments include speech, touch and other senses. My coming blogs will be about these developments.
This time: Microsoft Surface: far beyond, but not far away.

Microsoft Surface brings people together with a multi-touch and multi-user experience. It is a table and a computer screen at one. You can have direct interaction with Microsoft Suface, because they do not need a mouse or keyboard. Users simply use their hands to interact. The system responds to multi-touches, not just to one finger or hand. The screen is large enough for a few people to gather around, therefore it is a multi-user experience. This way, you maintain the face-to-face contact while using a computer. What I think is the most exciting part of Microsoft Surface is the fact that it can recognize objects. For example, if you place a camera on Surface, it transfers the photos on the camera into the screen. This way you can immediately take a look at your photos and share them with others!

Now you may think that this is yet far away, but I believe this is the (near) future. Some companies, hotels and restaurants are already making use of Microsoft Surface. Now I do not have the money for it, but I would love to replace my coffee table by Microsoft Surface!

Who beats who?