dinsdag 23 februari 2010


I fell in love with... Twitter!
Just a couple weeks ago I was very sceptic about Twitter. I did not understand why everybody was Twittering and talking about Tweets and stuff. Until I started Twittering for a schoolproject..

Twitter is addictive and actually kind of fun to be honest. At first I did not get it at all; I did not know how to post a Tweet or follow fellow-Twitterers. After an hour of practise I posted my first real Tweet. I downloaded the application "Twitterrific" on my iPhone. This application allows me to Twitter anywhere. Everytime I open the application it shows me how many new Tweets have been posted by who and when. So it really keeps me up-to-date with Twitter, I won't miss a single Tweet. Twitterrific also gives you the opportunity to post new Tweets, you will only need a working Internet connection. So with the convenience of this application, I joined the Twitter hype.

I found some celebrities on Twitter who have more than 100.000 followers and I realized that Twitter can reach a large crowd. Is Twitter just another hype that will fade away in time? I don't know, but I think that Twitter can be an ideal marketing-tool. For example, how did you find my blog, could it maybe because of Twitter? Companies, such as The Iconfactory (makers of the application Twitterrific) already adapt to the Twitter hype. Do you think Twitter is terrific?

Oh and follow me on Twitter: lindastege !

dinsdag 9 februari 2010

The new way of working

Lately everybody is talking about the new way of working. Is this really a succesful development? I'll try to explain to you what this new way of working is about and what I think future will bring us.

Many people think that the new way of working is the same as "working at home", but it is not. The new way of working does not rely on time or place, which makes it a more efficient way of working. This new way of working can be realized by the networkfunction of the great Internet. Offices become more and more redundant, it is no longer important to center around one working place where the boss supervises.

So what do I think about the new working reality? I LOVE IT! And why? Because I really like the fact that this way of working is based on trust, instead of suspicion and presence. The new way of working gives opportunity to a better balance between working life and privat life. I would be very pleased if my boss would suggest this way of working to me.

What do you think about the new way of working?


Welcome to my blog!

I started this blog for the subject Media Use in Organisations. Every post on this weblog will be about IT, which sounds veeery boring, but I will try to make it fun.

Whether you hate or love my blog, please stay for at least 2 minutes!! I will post every week, so follow me!

Who beats who?